Test Accordion Page

When it comes to birth control and pregnancy prevention, each woman's choices are as unique as she is! Your Women's Health Connecticut provider will help you determine the methods that will work best for you at this point in your life.

Learn more using the resources below and be informed when you start the conversation with your doctor or with your partner.

Birth control fast facts.

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FAQ body copy 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent pulvinar, neque egestas vehicula pharetra, nisi justo aliquam tellus, eget semper sem urna eu tellus. Fusce eget mollis purus. Nulla a iaculis dui. Vestibulum accumsan vitae odio et vestibulum. Proin ante magna, lacinia vitae tortor nec, consectetur mollis elit. Phasellus id tincidunt enim, in rutrum dolor. Cras nec elit ac quam blandit venenatis non ac dolor. Proin molestie a odio in tempor. Nullam molestie magna tellus, vel egestas turpis convallis blandit. Nulla ante urna, sagittis sed metus hendrerit, rutrum maximus nulla. Vestibulum in risus eu nibh elementum pharetra. Etiam in nibh non leo fringilla consequat quis a diam. Phasellus luctus sed leo vel blandit. Nunc aliquet libero non leo pretium, eget semper mauris aliquam. Aliquam in risus vel nisl ultricies volutpat.

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